NUMERO UNO: thank you for formatting this blog. It loosk a-Berry-purty
So I looked up both you names up on no other than and I got
1. A girl who is self- concious, funny, sweet, exceptionally compassionate and usually brings light to others. The name Aileen mean's "light". Commonly mispronounced as Alien, A-leen, or eileen. (i-leen)
Aw that girl is such an Aileen!
2. A person who is not afraid to go out on da dance flo' and shake dat thang.
"DAYMMN who is that chick breakin' it down ova there?"
"OBVIOUSLY an Aileen...!"
Jayson - n-
1. A different form of the name "Jason".
2. 1% of the worlds population spell there name in this unique manner.
3. Displays confidence when around the opposite sex and physically attractive to women and men.
4. Most are typically successful.
You are so Jayson I'm jealous.
Jayson you're my idol.
Jayson an American hero.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Bottled Water < Faucet Water
Jayson would be very proud of me. I found a photo that greatly portrays the post ("Sunday posts and water") he made on bottled water. Peep the vision below:

Via: Term Life Insurance
It ain't never too late to change your ways.

Via: Term Life Insurance
It ain't never too late to change your ways.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Who sleeps anymore?
Since I haven't been able to fix my bookshelf lately and gather all my books (nerd alert!), I've been watching a few documentaries. Just this past weekend I watched "Beautiful Losers," documenting the lives of outcast artists who become famous. (FYI: I kinda deem it a hipster film, but more genuine than others I've seen, haha).
Now I've stumbled upon another documentary that I kinda wanna watch. It's titled "A Million In The Morning" following a man in New York who stays awake for 5 days straight. Crazy huh? I recently found out about this documentary through a Jay Electronica track inspired by the film posted somewhere on Tumblr. So I did my research and I literally just watched the YouTube vid and now I'm shaking my head. Awake for 123 hours?! DAMN.
Now I've stumbled upon another documentary that I kinda wanna watch. It's titled "A Million In The Morning" following a man in New York who stays awake for 5 days straight. Crazy huh? I recently found out about this documentary through a Jay Electronica track inspired by the film posted somewhere on Tumblr. So I did my research and I literally just watched the YouTube vid and now I'm shaking my head. Awake for 123 hours?! DAMN.
"Filmed by Jason Goldwatch, the movie of the same name chronicles Gavin McInnes and other contestants as they try and beat the standing Guinness World Record of going 123 hours without sleep. Mr. Exhibit C-Note is no where to be found, though. Probably because they didn’t pony up the pennies for his presence." (via TSS)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Video treats
Despite MTV not playing music videos anymore and VH1 Soul being killed off thanks to Comcast *shakes angry fist*, I still watch music videos on a regular basis. In fact sometimes I rather watch music videos than watch regular TV. I find it's AMAZING to see what artists come up with for their songs. The imagination and the instilled visualization each artists dreams up equip audiences with a vision only he or she destined to create with the tune in mind.
But in more simpler terms: I'm a huge fan of aesthetics, but I'm an even bigger fan of storytelling. So if the artist can create a visual narrative to their music, I'm all for it.
Here are just a few (new & one old) videos (in no chronological order) that just came to mind. Enjoy!
But in more simpler terms: I'm a huge fan of aesthetics, but I'm an even bigger fan of storytelling. So if the artist can create a visual narrative to their music, I'm all for it.
Here are just a few (new & one old) videos (in no chronological order) that just came to mind. Enjoy!
Full Crate & Mar - She Was Fly from Full Crate on Vimeo.
Probably one of my all-time favorite videos that was played on VH1 Soul - R.I.P.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday posts and Water
So before starting my blog i just want to tell my reader(s) that as of this day, I will start to write on this blog OFFICIALLY every sunday. So with Great Adu (sp?) here we go:
WELL before that I just to say that though it said spring on our calendar's last month...its coming....I can feel it. Like today, when i went to go buy some yerba maté I stumbled upon a nice park downtown had a nice warm breeze brush against my face and say families and people outside again enjoying the sun! but enough with that. Lets blog.
So bottled water....well let me tell you about my story with bottled water. Maybe it was my rebellious nature of a college student, or my question to everything in society with structure, but I was a Sophomore in college and I never once questioned about water... What do we know about the common H2O..that we all need right? If its a sugary brown drink, a sugary yellow/orange/red/clear COLD drink that can quinch our thirst on that hot summer day. I remember being in my college dorm, Phelan Hall, on the fifth floor and my neighbor who lived two doors down was filling his Dasani water bottle with fountain water.
My first thought, 'WTF, thats gross! I only drink that shitty water when im desperate' so I ask him, "Why don't you just buy a bottled water." He then tells me that TAP WATER from SAN FRANCISCO is actually one of the best to drink because not only is it clean since it is regulated by the state, so it has to, but its good for you because they put fluoride in it so it strengths your teeth.
hmmm...i said is this true? so I did my research and i can tell you now people. I AM A CONVERTER...I drink tap water....and Im still living and healthy
Let me ask you where along the lines in our history did tap water ever become....bad? Why did we stop drinking it?
here is a video to help convince you:
AND sometimes you have to say FUCK water!! GIMME BEER
WELL before that I just to say that though it said spring on our calendar's last month...its coming....I can feel it. Like today, when i went to go buy some yerba maté I stumbled upon a nice park downtown had a nice warm breeze brush against my face and say families and people outside again enjoying the sun! but enough with that. Lets blog.
So bottled water....well let me tell you about my story with bottled water. Maybe it was my rebellious nature of a college student, or my question to everything in society with structure, but I was a Sophomore in college and I never once questioned about water... What do we know about the common H2O..that we all need right? If its a sugary brown drink, a sugary yellow/orange/red/clear COLD drink that can quinch our thirst on that hot summer day. I remember being in my college dorm, Phelan Hall, on the fifth floor and my neighbor who lived two doors down was filling his Dasani water bottle with fountain water.
My first thought, 'WTF, thats gross! I only drink that shitty water when im desperate' so I ask him, "Why don't you just buy a bottled water." He then tells me that TAP WATER from SAN FRANCISCO is actually one of the best to drink because not only is it clean since it is regulated by the state, so it has to, but its good for you because they put fluoride in it so it strengths your teeth.
hmmm...i said is this true? so I did my research and i can tell you now people. I AM A CONVERTER...I drink tap water....and Im still living and healthy
Let me ask you where along the lines in our history did tap water ever become....bad? Why did we stop drinking it?
here is a video to help convince you:
AND sometimes you have to say FUCK water!! GIMME BEER

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Whats up with technology these days?!
So Ive been thinking about getting the Kindle from Amazon. For those of you who don't know what that is, its the electronic book that a person can store up to 1,500 books where books cost about $9.99, lightweight, and it has a 3G network so you can download books WHEREEVER you are?! Amazing huh.
The ability to store all these books in a 10 onces which is a pound and the ability to use the internet But then I started to think about other things, other then its price. Working for an optometrist, ive learned a lot about how to keep your eyes healthy AND how to prevent worsening your prescription.
So im not one to bag on technology, heck Im all for it. if it makes your life easier and faster in basically no work to you, then why the fuck not right?! Well, i believe with the advancement of these new machines, its kind of a shove-and-pull effect, and let me explain:
Lets rewind to the 80's the good ol' glory days. where hip hop first began, style was...well colorful, and soon-to-be famous music was being made. I mean back then what was technology? A typewriter, the invention of the Pac Man game (imagine how BIG that was), the cassettes/walkman......who would of thought in 20yrs people would be able to store ALL their music into an Ipod or be able to order/get anything online with a laptop, or have an interactive game experience with the Wii AND even storing all your vinyls into a laptop instead of lugging milk creates?! cool huh? So technology has made everything FASTER..BETTER..STONGER..and has PUSHED us towards progressiveness and has let us to communicate with each other around the world.
But the Pull? hmm does anyone think about the consequences? Well I think there are a lot....which im not going to dwell in like: global warming (the big corporations are dumping their wastes into the environment), lack of exercise (more people just sitting around in front of a screen), AND EYE STRAIN
Here's a fact:
According to the American Eye-Q ® survey, nearly 46% of all Americans spend 5 or more hours per day using a computer or “smart phone”. Prolonged use of these devices may lead to symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) which include eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, fatigue, and loss of focus.
I mean when did a phone stop being JUST a phone?! Now having internet, music, and a camera on a phone is STANDARD.
-When did a playing console stop playing JUST video games ?! Now features like blu-ray and internet are expected.
-And 3-D movies are starting to become more and more popular!!
-Whats next?! I feel flying cars aren't too far away, heck in the next 20 we could be traveling from Earth to the moon like driving from The Bay to L.A.
Back to "The Pull." I guess why I am so irked is because I feel we will soon lose some skills along the way: like will DJ's in the future know how to scratch and play on solely vinyls? Does anyone out there know how to make a mixtape with cassettes? Will kids rely their research all on GOOGLE and the internet and stop going to the library and use books?.....I mean these aren't life threatening skills, and we probably won't need them BUT STILL!!! I just don't want us to have to rely on it TOO much, I mean what happens when your computer/laptop crashes with all your're fucked. And when our iPods break? get a new one I guess.
MY dad tells me: back when i was your age, we didn't even have boooks to study?! we had to copy everything down on our notebooks, *I laugh*, yea you guys are lucky you can get anything on the comptuer now.
And its good that I am reminded of where things once were in the "pre-historic" days; it humbles me a little and reminds me that there was once a "hard life. The life where Sam Goody still existed and sold singles, where all kids did was watch movies at the mall with their backpacks, and play outside until it was dark or they got hungry, where we used our imaginations to pretend to be Power Rangers ( or Ninja Turtles), and if you wanted porn you had to dig in your uncle/dad's "secret" box..haha
Like I said, I am not one to hate on technology, but I just feel people out there are excessively using it. Like everything else in life: MODERATION. LETS GET BACK OUT THERE PEOPLE. pick up an instrument and jam...get a ball and shoot it... call your friends and drink on the beach..shit man READ a BOOK.
That was my rant. NOW watch this, its the new Gorillaz video ft. Mos Def called "Stylo" click here.
The ability to store all these books in a 10 onces which is a pound and the ability to use the internet But then I started to think about other things, other then its price. Working for an optometrist, ive learned a lot about how to keep your eyes healthy AND how to prevent worsening your prescription.
So im not one to bag on technology, heck Im all for it. if it makes your life easier and faster in basically no work to you, then why the fuck not right?! Well, i believe with the advancement of these new machines, its kind of a shove-and-pull effect, and let me explain:
Lets rewind to the 80's the good ol' glory days. where hip hop first began, style was...well colorful, and soon-to-be famous music was being made. I mean back then what was technology? A typewriter, the invention of the Pac Man game (imagine how BIG that was), the cassettes/walkman......who would of thought in 20yrs people would be able to store ALL their music into an Ipod or be able to order/get anything online with a laptop, or have an interactive game experience with the Wii AND even storing all your vinyls into a laptop instead of lugging milk creates?! cool huh? So technology has made everything FASTER..BETTER..STONGER..and has PUSHED us towards progressiveness and has let us to communicate with each other around the world.
But the Pull? hmm does anyone think about the consequences? Well I think there are a lot....which im not going to dwell in like: global warming (the big corporations are dumping their wastes into the environment), lack of exercise (more people just sitting around in front of a screen), AND EYE STRAIN
Here's a fact:
According to the American Eye-Q ® survey, nearly 46% of all Americans spend 5 or more hours per day using a computer or “smart phone”. Prolonged use of these devices may lead to symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) which include eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, fatigue, and loss of focus.
I mean when did a phone stop being JUST a phone?! Now having internet, music, and a camera on a phone is STANDARD.
-When did a playing console stop playing JUST video games ?! Now features like blu-ray and internet are expected.
-And 3-D movies are starting to become more and more popular!!
-Whats next?! I feel flying cars aren't too far away, heck in the next 20 we could be traveling from Earth to the moon like driving from The Bay to L.A.
Back to "The Pull." I guess why I am so irked is because I feel we will soon lose some skills along the way: like will DJ's in the future know how to scratch and play on solely vinyls? Does anyone out there know how to make a mixtape with cassettes? Will kids rely their research all on GOOGLE and the internet and stop going to the library and use books?.....I mean these aren't life threatening skills, and we probably won't need them BUT STILL!!! I just don't want us to have to rely on it TOO much, I mean what happens when your computer/laptop crashes with all your're fucked. And when our iPods break? get a new one I guess.
MY dad tells me: back when i was your age, we didn't even have boooks to study?! we had to copy everything down on our notebooks, *I laugh*, yea you guys are lucky you can get anything on the comptuer now.
And its good that I am reminded of where things once were in the "pre-historic" days; it humbles me a little and reminds me that there was once a "hard life. The life where Sam Goody still existed and sold singles, where all kids did was watch movies at the mall with their backpacks, and play outside until it was dark or they got hungry, where we used our imaginations to pretend to be Power Rangers ( or Ninja Turtles), and if you wanted porn you had to dig in your uncle/dad's "secret" box..haha
Like I said, I am not one to hate on technology, but I just feel people out there are excessively using it. Like everything else in life: MODERATION. LETS GET BACK OUT THERE PEOPLE. pick up an instrument and jam...get a ball and shoot it... call your friends and drink on the beach..shit man READ a BOOK.
That was my rant. NOW watch this, its the new Gorillaz video ft. Mos Def called "Stylo" click here.
Friday, April 2, 2010
"And all that you know goes right outta the window"
After J*DaVeY released this music video yesterday (4/1) I've probably re-blogged, re-tweeted, and re-posted this video several times already.... and I'm bout to do it again.
I could write a crapload of reasons why I like this video (one being I'm a huge fan of their projects), but that would take a while (and i'm thinking of just writing it all out when I get a chance later this evening, ha!). But to sum it all up right now the reason being why I'm feelin this song so much right now is the fact that the lyrics & notion of the song channel self identity in some way. And if ya'll know me right now or have seen the pieces I've been writing lately, I'm all bout THAT right now - it's the tip I'm on. So I'm not surprised that I've been listening to the lyrics so diligently and dissecting the shit out of it. But that's just me. Ya'll might get a different reaction out of it. But either way, I suggest ya'll check out this video. Don't sleep.
J Davey - "Outta The Window."
Is it nothing but a game? If it is where are the rules? Cause I'm not sure how to play. Will I watch it all go passing by? Just blowing in the wind. Like everything I thought I knew before. I guess I'll just pretend. Be like everybody else.
I could write a crapload of reasons why I like this video (one being I'm a huge fan of their projects), but that would take a while (and i'm thinking of just writing it all out when I get a chance later this evening, ha!). But to sum it all up right now the reason being why I'm feelin this song so much right now is the fact that the lyrics & notion of the song channel self identity in some way. And if ya'll know me right now or have seen the pieces I've been writing lately, I'm all bout THAT right now - it's the tip I'm on. So I'm not surprised that I've been listening to the lyrics so diligently and dissecting the shit out of it. But that's just me. Ya'll might get a different reaction out of it. But either way, I suggest ya'll check out this video. Don't sleep.
J Davey - "Outta The Window."
J*DaVeY "Outta the Window" from SOCKETUMi Iam on Vimeo.
Is it nothing but a game? If it is where are the rules? Cause I'm not sure how to play. Will I watch it all go passing by? Just blowing in the wind. Like everything I thought I knew before. I guess I'll just pretend. Be like everybody else.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I left you some goodies
There's only about five things I do online:
1.) Check my email(s).
2.) Do that stalker shit: Go on FB, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube.
3.) Craigslist
4.) Watch my fav TV shows
5.) Download mixtapes
#5 being my main entertainment (I'm a true sucka for mixtapes) & the one that occupies me the most, I figure it'd be nice if I were to share what I find with ya'll.
Right now I'm stuck on this Mix Amour 2 mixtape I stumbled upon randomly. Can't exactly remember how I found it or who DJ Mada even is, but I quickly fell in love with this mix. Despite the typos in his description, I was appealed by his authentic vinyl approach. Then looked over his tracklist (and the fact that "Friendly Pressure" was his first track on the mix), I took a chance and downloaded it. And since then I've enjoyed it. Def provides a good listen during some downtime. Git it.
*Download now:
1.) Check my email(s).
2.) Do that stalker shit: Go on FB, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube.
3.) Craigslist
4.) Watch my fav TV shows
5.) Download mixtapes
#5 being my main entertainment (I'm a true sucka for mixtapes) & the one that occupies me the most, I figure it'd be nice if I were to share what I find with ya'll.
Right now I'm stuck on this Mix Amour 2 mixtape I stumbled upon randomly. Can't exactly remember how I found it or who DJ Mada even is, but I quickly fell in love with this mix. Despite the typos in his description, I was appealed by his authentic vinyl approach. Then looked over his tracklist (and the fact that "Friendly Pressure" was his first track on the mix), I took a chance and downloaded it. And since then I've enjoyed it. Def provides a good listen during some downtime. Git it.
*Download now:
1. | Friendly Pressure | Jhelisa (paul Nice Rmx) | Buy |
2. | Rock Wit U | Jazzy Jeff Featuring Erro | Buy |
3. | I Don't Want To Be Alone | Shai | Buy |
4. | Fall In Love | Slum Village | Buy |
5. | Declaration | De La Soul | Buy |
6. | Albany | Kev Brown | Buy |
7. | How I Do | Jazzy Jeff Featuring Shawn Stockman (boyz Ii Men) | Buy |
8. | Ghetto Hell | Red Astaire | Buy |
9. | Night Like This | Symbolyc One & Ill Mind | Buy |
10. | Eternally Yours | Strange Fruit Project | Buy |
11. | Come Around | Foreign Exchange | Buy |
12. | Right Here | Dj Mitsu Feat Dwele | Buy |
13. | You | Hezekiah | Buy |
14. | ????? | ?????? | Buy |
15. | Nic's Groove | Foreign Exchange | Buy |
16. | Sho Ya Right | Dwele | Buy |
17. | Too Real Inst | Big Pooh | Buy |
18. | Come Down | Red Astaire | Buy |
19. | Get This Money | Slum Village | Buy |
20. | Hold You Down | Alchmist | Buy |
21. | Come Over To My Place | Davina |
Re(cycled) piece: 12ftDwende "The Freedom of 22"

(click picture for article)
Originally written for 12ftDwende, I decided to repost this piece for all you folks here on Broke-Bandit$. Not as a plug for Dwende (although it could be - yes, shameless!), but really just to share some wisdom to all my folks out there who are dealing with the same struggle I'm going through right now... the phase we all hate being in the "post-grad syndrome".
Most recently since I've moved back to San Jose, I've been thrown into a whirlwind of changes. Starting from living on my own to now moving back into my parents house, to having a hectic schedule to not having one at all, my priorities have tremendously changed since I've graduated and my mindset has shifted a bit as well.
I've realized for a lot of the folks my age these are just a few that plague our minds during this transition. So I decided to write about it.
Compiled with several different thoughts and different folks in mind, I tried my best to encapsulate what we all might be going through. And with that I tried to come up with not a solution, but a way for all of us to cope with this inevitable change we're all going through.
So keep that in mind & read up if you wish. I tried my best to make sense out of this nonsense.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Yes yes, Hip-Hop, I forgot I loved you
HOOOW ARE YOOU AMERICA ? ME, well lets not dwell too much about me, but im great! How was my trip you ask? HA that gonna take me more than one blog to write about that. But lets focus on the subject
So ever since I got back, ive been dipping my toes in other different genre’s of music:
Rock of course, Drumb&Bass, electronic, some punk, A LOT of reggae (island + bob Marley stuff), and even some Jazz. So I have not been so much focusing on hiphop and R&B.
But on March 15, the same day of yet another Paciaqo win, I went with my cousin to Berkeley to see an all women’s Hip-Hop show called B.A.S.S (Bay Area Sistah Sound, ).
Let me tell you, I have NOT been to a GOOD hip-hop show in a long time. I mean, I think what was so good about were not only all the dope performances, but the vibe I got from the crowd. In between shows there would be female DJ’s, who were spinin with vinyl’s by the way, and play good songs, all from the 80’s // top 40’s // classics // new stuff. But the vibe…
The way I can describe “the vibe” from the crowd is: have you ever been to a dance // club // concert where everyone around you is reeking high energy and you have that moment where you take a 360 degree look around you and see everyone dancing.
But the reason why I loved going was b/c I forgot how music, especially Hip-Hop brings people together. I EVEN SAW AN EITNSTEIN COUPLE DANCING WITH THIS BLACK COUPLE..haha it was sick… Everyone was nice, talking to everyone and I made a bunch of friends that day.
here are some pics my cousin took of the event...

To all my beautiful women out there, HAPPY WOMEN’S MARCH APPRECIATION MONTH!!
So ever since I got back, ive been dipping my toes in other different genre’s of music:
Rock of course, Drumb&Bass, electronic, some punk, A LOT of reggae (island + bob Marley stuff), and even some Jazz. So I have not been so much focusing on hiphop and R&B.
But on March 15, the same day of yet another Paciaqo win, I went with my cousin to Berkeley to see an all women’s Hip-Hop show called B.A.S.S (Bay Area Sistah Sound, ).
Let me tell you, I have NOT been to a GOOD hip-hop show in a long time. I mean, I think what was so good about were not only all the dope performances, but the vibe I got from the crowd. In between shows there would be female DJ’s, who were spinin with vinyl’s by the way, and play good songs, all from the 80’s // top 40’s // classics // new stuff. But the vibe…
The way I can describe “the vibe” from the crowd is: have you ever been to a dance // club // concert where everyone around you is reeking high energy and you have that moment where you take a 360 degree look around you and see everyone dancing.
But the reason why I loved going was b/c I forgot how music, especially Hip-Hop brings people together. I EVEN SAW AN EITNSTEIN COUPLE DANCING WITH THIS BLACK COUPLE..haha it was sick… Everyone was nice, talking to everyone and I made a bunch of friends that day.
here are some pics my cousin took of the event...

To all my beautiful women out there, HAPPY WOMEN’S MARCH APPRECIATION MONTH!!
Friday, January 15, 2010

Cloud your mind with positivity.
Fill your thoughts with creativity
Breathe in fresh air
Breathe out sunshine
It's been awhile...
... but we're both still ALIVE. Very much alive. As ya'll probably know already my partner-in-crime is gallivanting all over South America while I'm here suffering from the post-grad disease. We're both in two different worlds right now that it's been difficult to keep up with this. But that doesn't matter anymore cause it's now 2010 and both Jayson and I still hope to keep this blog as updated as we possibly can. Especially since I don't got school anymore and no other writing jobs will hire me right now (damn you all!) and Jayson will be coming back soon (I hope?), Broke-Bandits will come back with full force! ...I think? So hold on tight while we try to come back from this long overdue hiatus (do people still read this shit? *crickets*).
Before I go though I will leave you with this pic Jayson sent me recently. ch-ch-check it out YOU cool guy, YOU! (click the photo to enlarge)

(via Gold Coin)
Before I go though I will leave you with this pic Jayson sent me recently. ch-ch-check it out YOU cool guy, YOU! (click the photo to enlarge)

(via Gold Coin)
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