WELL before that I just to say that though it said spring on our calendar's last month...its coming....I can feel it. Like today, when i went to go buy some yerba maté I stumbled upon a nice park downtown had a nice warm breeze brush against my face and say families and people outside again enjoying the sun! but enough with that. Lets blog.
So bottled water....well let me tell you about my story with bottled water. Maybe it was my rebellious nature of a college student, or my question to everything in society with structure, but I was a Sophomore in college and I never once questioned about water... What do we know about the common H2O..that we all need right? If its a sugary brown drink, a sugary yellow/orange/red/clear COLD drink that can quinch our thirst on that hot summer day. I remember being in my college dorm, Phelan Hall, on the fifth floor and my neighbor who lived two doors down was filling his Dasani water bottle with fountain water.
My first thought, 'WTF, thats gross! I only drink that shitty water when im desperate' so I ask him, "Why don't you just buy a bottled water." He then tells me that TAP WATER from SAN FRANCISCO is actually one of the best to drink because not only is it clean since it is regulated by the state, so it has to, but its good for you because they put fluoride in it so it strengths your teeth.
hmmm...i said is this true? so I did my research and i can tell you now people. I AM A CONVERTER...I drink tap water....and Im still living and healthy
Let me ask you where along the lines in our history did tap water ever become....bad? Why did we stop drinking it?
here is a video to help convince you:
AND sometimes you have to say FUCK water!! GIMME BEER

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