So ever since I got back, ive been dipping my toes in other different genre’s of music:
Rock of course, Drumb&Bass, electronic, some punk, A LOT of reggae (island + bob Marley stuff), and even some Jazz. So I have not been so much focusing on hiphop and R&B.
But on March 15, the same day of yet another Paciaqo win, I went with my cousin to Berkeley to see an all women’s Hip-Hop show called B.A.S.S (Bay Area Sistah Sound, ).
Let me tell you, I have NOT been to a GOOD hip-hop show in a long time. I mean, I think what was so good about were not only all the dope performances, but the vibe I got from the crowd. In between shows there would be female DJ’s, who were spinin with vinyl’s by the way, and play good songs, all from the 80’s // top 40’s // classics // new stuff. But the vibe…
The way I can describe “the vibe” from the crowd is: have you ever been to a dance // club // concert where everyone around you is reeking high energy and you have that moment where you take a 360 degree look around you and see everyone dancing.
But the reason why I loved going was b/c I forgot how music, especially Hip-Hop brings people together. I EVEN SAW AN EITNSTEIN COUPLE DANCING WITH THIS BLACK COUPLE..haha it was sick… Everyone was nice, talking to everyone and I made a bunch of friends that day.
here are some pics my cousin took of the event...

To all my beautiful women out there, HAPPY WOMEN’S MARCH APPRECIATION MONTH!!
take me next year!