I have been thinking about "Friends" this whole weekend. I am a senior who is graduating in May 09' and a real important question popped into my head: Who are your real friends? I mean who will you keep in contact with after graduation, because realistically someday in the near future we are all going to move away from good ol' USF and we'll forget some people.
Think about it. How many people who have graduated have left a lasting impression on you? Yea I know they are year(s) older than us, but let me put it into this perspective: how many people can/will you remember when YOU leave? Me? I can only think of a hand full.
Why was I thinking about this? Well sometime this week, I think it was a Wednesday morning, and I was in my professor's office hours and I don't know how the topic came up but we were talking about death and he said something like, "when I am on my death bed, all I will be thinking about are my regrets." and I replied, "well thats why you live your life to the fullest." But what I wanted to say was "well, how can you change that"?
Yea I have a SHIT load of regrets in life, and I am only 22. One of them being a shitty friend (in my opinion anyway). But why is it that when the end to anything is coming or when you KNOW the end is coming, all you do is look behind you and ask the one question: WHAT IF...? Like everyone else I live in fear: scarred to speak my mind because I will seem like a dumb-ass or sound like one, scarred to approach a fine girl because I might get rejected AND seem like a dumb-ass, scarred to give things a chance because it is out of my comfort zone or circle of people I know, scarred to act because I will seem like a stupid-ass. Just scarred. And that fear has greatly influenced my decisions in the past, like why I prioritize school before anything, and why I don't go out as much.
Not to get anyone down or anything, but thats how I have been feeling lately and its stuck in my head and had to get it out. There are people I want to get closer to, friendships I want to amend because the friendships are far more important, people I want to know, and new people I want to become friends with. There are only 3.5 months of school left, and all I see the the time ticking, but tomorrow is always a new day, and ANYTHING can happen in 24 hours.
Obama Day 18:
The stimulus package. Does anyone even know what that means. I first thought tax-paying Americans were going to get more money, like Bush's plan to boost the economy by giving everyone money. WRONG! the package was actually one of the propositions Obama first wanted to address. Its a $900 billion (thats ALOT people, if I write it out, it is $9,000,000,000. Thats nine zeros!!) to help "boost," hence the word 'stimulus,' the economy by creating at least 3-4 million jobs. It also includes lowering taxes for middle-class americans, providing medical assistance for those who can not afford it, and creating jobs to fix roads, and bridges. It was recorded that the unemployment rate now is 7.6% with 600,000 jobs lost in JANUARY alone!
I don't know about you but my family has been affected by the economy. I've been having to stretch $30 for a whole week sometimes, and thats hard when your friends want to do something, especially to drink. BUT THANK YOU for Happy hour and the USF cafeteria.
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