I want to start on Che's first because I am almost done reading his biography (which is long but AMAZING and inspiring). As I finish the book I can say I know something about Che and this famous image. For one every time I see it I always think of his absolute implacability, meaning during and after the Cuban revolution he was never satisfied with himself because there was always room for improvement. Che was on this internal mission to globalize socialism and always seemed restless because he wanted to achieve it.
Another thing this image captures is his resoluteness. Che was verbally abusive to his comrades who would "fuck up" sometiems, but he always had a reason, and never did it out of spite or hate for someone, but definitely anger.
I don't really know much about Obama. i would like to read his auto-biographies, but I don't really know anything about his past to pass judgement, except for what he has done so far as president and what he has promised America during his campaign. (If anyone knows facebook me or talk to me i would like to find out)
What I noticed about these two images is that they both seem to looking...I want to say at the future. Obama of course is our symbol the hope of America. Here he looks stern....but ready. He seems experienced, but most importantly not afraid, and because he's not afraid, it doesn't make me afraid, and that is why i feel I can trust him.
For Che's I think the author of his biography explains it better than I can "Che appears as the ultimate revolutionary icon, his eyes staring boldly into the future, his very face symbolizing a virile embodiment of outrage at social injustice" -Jon Anderson
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