But the story goes like this: Me and kathy, both in desperate need of money went to go to a Starbucks Job fair all the way at the levi's plaza, which is in the Embaredero, which is near Koit tower. So we get there and the first thing we see is a LONG-ass line wrapping around the building. Frustrated, I go to the person in the front and ask him how long he's been waiting, he tells me he's been there for 2 hours AND they are only hiring people to work at Starbucks around the Embaredero....I live near Ocean Beach. PEOPLE, that all the way across town!! So We're like FUCK IT and just bounce and this is where our adventure began.
This whole week has been a lot of spontaneous decisions, and so far none of them have proven me wrong. DAMN, I've been here for 4 years and I still haven't seen everything this city has.
The first place we went to was Koit Tower and man the view was breath taking, I saw the city AND the bay, if it wasn't for the group of black people rapping, then i would have had a better time.........................haha J/P, but here is the pic of the view

Then walking down the tower, we land on North Beach, and here is a pic of me with ONE of nicest churches + graffitti

THen we started to get hungry and walk ALL the way to china town and we go into this sketchy alley way that has the FORTUNE COOKIE shop. HAHa they charge $.50 for a picture, so I just went outside and took a pic. They were making chocolate cookies, which were goood and were offering free FRESH cookies for visitors.

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