... but we're both still
ALIVE. Very much alive. As ya'll probably know already my partner-in-crime is gallivanting all over South America while I'm here suffering from the post-grad disease. We're both in two different worlds right now that it's been difficult to keep up with this. But that doesn't matter anymore cause it's now 2010 and both Jayson and I still hope to keep this blog as updated as we possibly can. Especially since I don't got school anymore and no other writing jobs will hire me right now (damn you all!) and Jayson will be coming back soon (I hope?), Broke-Bandits will come back with full force! ...I think? So hold on tight while we try to come back from this long overdue hiatus (do people still read this shit? *crickets*).
Before I go though I will leave you with this pic Jayson sent me recently. ch-ch-check it out YOU cool guy, YOU!
(click the photo to enlarge)
Gold Coin)