I would like to open this post with a quote from an R&B artist named Monica (if you can guess the title, its kind of obvious this is from I am going to give you a virtual HIGH FIVE)
"It's just one of them days
When i wanna be all alone
It's just one of them days
When i gotta be all alone
It's just one of them days
Don't take it personal
I just wanna be all alone
And you think i treat you wrong"
And I am just having one of them damn days. So listen: I am sitting in my Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos Theory Class (it jsut sounds fancy), and as I was staring across the room admiring the rain and the Friskian landscape I got to thinking: school is taking over my life. For the THREE people who are following the blog, its my last FUCKIN semester and my senior-itis has returned. Its like I am at the home stretch and i just want to give up. Does anyone else feel like this?
I just took my Probability and Statistics test today and it did not go well...I ended up bullshitting ALOT of it. Why? the material was not hard, it was my lack of preparation, I started studying at 9pm the night before, and I can't cram, it doesn't work for me. It takes me a while for my brain to sponge up the material.
Why was I ill prepared? because two days before I had homework assigned that I desperately needed to finish, I just finished my computer science project over the weekend THEN the day before I had Kasamahan and Alpha Phi Omega stuff to do.
I just feel overwhelmed and all I want to do is have FUCKIN FUN, I mean its my last semester and I want to enjoy the time I have with my friends, not spending it with my head in my books, stuck in front of a desk.
So today i was just bummed about thinking about all of this. Does anyone else feel like this? if so say Hallelujah!!!!